The Midwest officially opened this week, but what does the forecast look like for more skiing and riding opportunities this weekend? Let's look at the skiing news headlines from this past week and look into the future forecast.
Andes Tower Hills Opens First
Most of the Upper parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin were treated to a few inches of natural snow last Friday and throughout the weekend. However, Andes Tower Hills decided that wasn't enough, so they fired up their snowmaking guns early Saturday morning. They were able to make just enough snow to open for the season on Sunday afternoon with a magic carpet, officially winning our race to open bracket!
And if you were shocked by this, you really shouldn't have been. Last season, Andes Tower Hills had an impressive showing, opening second in the Midwest just five days behind Wild Mountain - the first ski area open last season.
Then Sunday night, our guide erupted with yellow, as over twenty-five different Midwest resorts fired up the guns on one of the best snowmaking opportunities we have had so far this season.
It was so good that Wild Mountain was able to open Monday afternoon after just that one night. They opened with their front stage rope tow and marked the second resort open in the Midwest.
There Will Likely Be A Chair Spinning This Weekend
But who will be the next to open, and who will nab the first chairlift spinning in the Midwest? Well, last week, we were concerned about this Midweek warmup that we are currently seeing. Unfortunately, temps were mostly above freezing Wednesday & Thursday night. But the good news is the weather is looking much more promising as we move into the weekend and next week.
Thursday night could offer a decent window of snowmaking, but Friday night snowmaking will likely have to take a break. So the question becomes - is there enough snowmaking time to get something open for the weekend?
Well, that's pretty much impossible to answer, but there is a solid chance. However, only mother nature and time will determine what happens, so keep an eye on our pages and our guide for the most up-to-date information regarding snowmaking statuses and openings. We will start our weekend reports this Friday, including who is open in each state & how many runs they have open.
But the even better news is next week's forecast is looking pretty solid. If this projected forecast holds true, we will likely see a lot of skiing and riding opportunities opening Thanksgiving week, including some resorts in southern Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Mt. Holiday's Snowvember Fest
Those in the Mitten have a chance to be on snow this week as Mt. Holiday will be hosting their annual Snowvember Fest. Volunteers will haul snow from a local ice rink to set up a small rail jam to get everyone excited about the upcoming season!
The event will take place this Saturday, November 20th, at 5:00 PM and costs $20.00 to participate. All levels of skiers and riders are welcome, and they will also have music, prizes, and great food in the Lodge, meaning everyone can enjoy the vibes!
Veterans Day & The 10th Mountain Division
Last Thursday, November 11th, our country celebrated Veterans day, and I want to thank all of those who have served. One of the most iconic divisions of the US Army, at least for skiers, is the 10th Mountain Division.
This Division's history originated from a shocking victory over the Russian military during the Winter War of 1939. A small Finnish ski patrol defeated the much larger and far better armed invading Soviet force. Charles My-not Dole, the founder of the National Ski Patrol, took notice of this victory and got to work helping form what would become the 10th Mountain Division.
The US Army would use Dole to help form this Division, first activated in 1943 as the 10th Light Division Alpine for World War II. This Division is designated as a mountain warfare unit and receives intense specialized training for fighting in mountainous and arctic conditions.
After the war, many members would help grow the ski industry, including creating new resorts and working in and around them. Some of the most iconic include Vail, Arapahoe Basin, and Aspen, to name a few.
And although the 10th Mountain Division is often known for its role in World War Two, they have been reactivated several times over the years and, since 2001, has been the most deployed unit in the US military, remaining active today in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Thank you to all of those who have served, especially those part of the 10th Mountain Division. The industry wouldn't be the same without you!
A Story Moose Talk About
Last week a rogue moose found itself on the South Dakota State's football field after authorities tried to guide the moose off-campus. The campus police issued this statement about the incident "Students; please be careful right now if you are out and driving around. Several law enforcement officers are out attempting to corral the animal and move it out of town to keep it safe. This is not a joke."
It might not be a joke, but it certainly is A Moosing.
But there you have it, your fix of Midwest ski news from the past week; if you want to check out last week's episode, we will drop a link below. But until next time, I hope all of you have a great week, pray for snow, and I'll see you guys out there!